
2024年2月21日—NokiaProCameraisanoldnameforMicrosoft'sLumiaCamera.LastversionofLumiaCamerathatworksonLumia1020(WP8.1)IsLumiaCamerav.,2020年9月15日—Lumia1020CameraApp.Hieveryone,.Iwasjustgivena...What'sthedifferencebetweentheNokiaProCameraappandtheLumiaCameraapp?,2017年1月21日—AftersomeresearchIfoundoutthatthenokiaprocamhasbecamealumiacameraapp.Itisbuggingmethatthesensoris41mpx,andtheapp ...,201...

Looking for Lumia Camera App for my "new" Lumia 1020 ...

2024年2月21日 — Nokia Pro Camera is an old name for Microsoft's Lumia Camera. Last version of Lumia Camera that works on Lumia 1020 (WP8.1) Is Lumia Camera v.

Lumia 1020 Camera App

2020年9月15日 — Lumia 1020 Camera App. Hi everyone,. I was just given a ... What's the difference between the Nokia Pro Camera app and the Lumia Camera app?

Lumia 1020 camera app, res limited to 34 mpx

2017年1月21日 — After some research I found out that the nokia pro cam has became a lumia camera app. It is bugging me that the sensor is 41 mpx, and the app ...

Lumia Camera app now available for Nokia Lumia 1020 ...

2015年11月26日 — Nokia Lumia 1020 owners can download and install Lumia Camera for free from the Windows Store.

Nokia 1020 missing Cam apps

2018年4月25日 — The Nokia Smart Camera app and the Nokia Camera app have been combined into one and it is now called the Lumia Camera app. This app will give ...

Nokia Lumia 1020

2013年9月30日 — Smart Lens is a burst mode camera app that shoots 10 frames (at reduced resolution) in quick succession. You can then create motion blur effects ...

Windows Phone - Nokia 1020

2022年5月9日 — I have an old Lumia 1020 in my possession. It's still running Windows 8.1. I have no plans on using this as an actual phone, however I was ...